Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6: CATS!!! (Or...The Necessarily Random All Caps Title With Too Many Exclamation Points At The End)

The photo today is of my cat, Elmo Cuddles (his full name has more than 17 words in it). It was taken with inspiration from the Caboodle Ranch, the source of my laughter for the day. Pretty much, it's this guy. His son moved away and left him his cat, who soon had kittens. This guy, who never liked cats before, suddenly found himself obsessed with cats, picking up strays and keeping them for his own. Eventually he had 50 cats before his landlord kicked him out.
He then moved to a 30 acre property on the outskirts of town. There, he raised his cats and collected even more. He now has 660.

What does one do with 660 cats? Well, the answer is obvious. One must create a cat city, of course. So he did. With a city hall, chapel, elementary school, Wallmart, and homes for the cats. All downsized for the cats. There are environmental concerns such as lowered bird population and increased fecal mater in local streams, but who can care about such things when there are cats to be seen. Cats! In a city! Full of cats!

Anyone who reads this must, I beg of you, check out the yahoo article about it (google: man with cat city) or look at the many videos on youtube of all 660 cats being fed at the same time. Only then will you fully understand why my day was spent laughing intensely.

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